Classical Ayurvedic texts teach us that our bodies and the skin are made up of five elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space. The Earth element gives structure and firmness to the skin. It is in muscles, collagen, elastin, and connective tissues. The Water element is abundant and gives moisturization and plumpness by being present in intracellular spaces, the lymphatic system, and blood vessels. The Fire element is responsible for metabolism in the skin, the health of blood vessels (red and white blood cells) and skin complexion. The Air element provides speed for the skin metabolism, including water metabolism. It carries oxygen to skin cells and takes out waste products, is responsible for nerve impulses, sensations, and muscle constrictions. Space, or Ether, as an Ayurvedic element, connects everything together and provides space for other elements to fill in.
Doshas, the three biological energies named by ancient Indian scholars as Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, are the key ayurvedic concept in Ayurveda. The five elements of Ether, Air, Fire, Water, and Earth combine to make up the Ayurvedic doshas. Every living being is born with a unique combination of these three energies, and this explains why we all have different bodies, including the skin. When doshas go out of balance, this creates skin problems, and when untreated, skin disorders. So, the Ayurvedic idea is logically very simple: we have to work on bringing doshas back to their normal, inherent state.
Skin constitutions refer to the natural tendency of the skin, though normally the effect is slight. For example, Pitta skin feels moister and warmer to the touch than Vata skin that is cooler, rougher, and dryer. Kapha skin is relatively smoother and more lubricated than Pitta or Vata skin. In fact, all skin types look clear and healthy when their inherent doshas are in balance.
All doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) are active in every person, but what makes each individual unique is the balance of doshas we were born with. When Ayurveda says that the doshas are out of balance, it means that there is a disturbance in the innate dynamics among these biological forces. This disturbance is due to a lifestyle, diet and skin care that don’t support the delicate balance of the three doshas. What is good for one person with their unique dosha combination (in terms of food choices, frequency of meals, exercises, hours of sleep, etc.) is not good for another dosha constitution.
As you can see, it is not easy to determine a treatment plan and what kind of facial to choose. Let me, an Ayurvedic doctor, Certified Acne Specialist and Licensed Esthetician, help you on your journey to healthy skin. Come for a facial where I will do an Ayurvedic skin analysis to understand what doshas are out of balance. When I understand your skin constitution and its current imbalances, I will create an individualized plan for your facial—or a series of them, if needed. Early on, I had a list of facials to choose from, but it was tricky for clients to choose which one was best for them—especially when they have many skin problems. Let me do my job as a professional to customize a treatment for you, and then your job is to just relax. It is important to mention than many of my clients come to me not only for improving their skin condition, but also to relax and unwind. Healthy skin relies on a healthy nervous system—and calming sounds of a fountain, soothing smells, and soft music do their magic not only for the mind but for the skin as well.
75-minute customized facial includes a relaxing Ayurvedic head massage and a comprehensive mask. For new clients a complimentary 15-minute consultation may be added.
60-minute customized facial. For new clients a complimentary 15-minute consultation may be added.
A traditional Ayurvedic therapy, Shirodhara involves gently pouring a continuous stream of warm oil on the forehead to promote deep relaxation and well-being. Shirodhara can reach the depths of the nervous system and of the consciousness, bringing physical, mental, and emotional health. The effect is achieved by using a luxurious and nourishing herbalized oil with a Tridoshic blend of herbs, such as ashwagandha, shatavari, bhringaraj, skullcap, and brahmi/gotukola, in a base of organic sesame and sunflower oils. Shirodhara is clinically proven to address neurological imbalances such as insomnia and anxiety, and chronic diseases such as sinusitis, tinnitus, and TMJ. In this treatment, the Ayurvedic facial will follow Shirodhara. This facial includes an Ayurveda skin analysis, cleanse and exfoliation; face, neck, arm and foot massage, with herbal oils according to your constitution (Vata, Pitta, Kapha); use of a Kansa (Ayurvedic copper wand) on particular energetic points on the face and head (marma points) and an herbal mask. 120 minutes.
This lovely Ayurvedic facial treatment provides a soothing and exfoliating massage that nurtures the skin tissue and activates its natural cleansing and rejuvenating processes. Particular energetic points (marma points) on the face and scalp are massaged to calm the activity of the mind, creating a state of peace and tranquility. Our gentle herbal steam opens the pores, and the finest and purest skin care products available are utilized, leaving your senses smiling and your skin glowing. I use a gentle Ayurvedic herbal mask-scrub for mild exfoliation of the skin. I massage your face, head, shoulders, hands, and feet with essential oils according to your constitution (Vata, Pitta, Kapha). I use a Kansa (Ayurvedic copper wand) on particular energetic points on the face and head (marma points). The facial concludes with a personalized, rejuvenating mask created for your specific skin condition. 75 minutes.
Do you know that your skin gives a true reflection of your health and well-being?
I graduated as an Ayurvedic doctor from California College of Ayurveda, which has the most comprehensive curriculum of Ayurvedic medicine in the West. Ongoing study and experience as a licensed esthetician give me a deep understanding of skin problems, their roots and how to solve them.
During your Ayurvedic skin analysis and consultation, I will ask questions about your lifestyle, your skin, and other health imbalances, and perform a physical evaluation. Based upon this assessment, I will formulate a personalized long-treatment plan. This will include recommendations for balancing doshas foods, stress management, exercise, pranayama (breathing exercises), herbal supplements, lifestyle changes, skin care treatments and home skin care regimen.
This treatment embodies my core belief that radiant skin is a reflection of health on the inside. It includes 60-minute customized facial and 60-minute skin consultation.
As an Ayurvedic doctor and Licensed Esthetician, I will help you to:
35 Sherman Street, Natick, MA 01760.
(339) 208-1788
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