The purpose of Panchakarma is to balance doshas (the bio-energies), tissues, and the physiological systems and functions of the body. Panchakarma utilizes cleansing herbs and therapies, which help with loosening, binding, extracting and flushing out endogenous toxins called ama, which translates as "undigested." The buildup of ama (toxins) from poor digestion, poor circulation and poor elimination is the primary cause of disease in the body. Ama collects over time as tissues degenerate, the passage of waste materials is blocked, and the body’s regulatory functions grow weak, causing a host of symptoms that affect the body and mind.
The Panchakarma treatment must be performed by a knowledgeable and well-trained therapist. Every person is unique and has their unique combination of imbalances. Thus, the Panchakarma cleanse program must be customized by recommending only those therapies that suit the person’s situation (age, season, level of immunity, amount of toxins present in the body, etc.).