Category: Ayurvedic Body Treatments

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As we transition into the fall and winter seasons, the prevalence of Vata energy becomes more pronounced. But why is this? It's because Vata dosha shares qualities with late fall and winter seasons: coldness, dryness, increased spaciousness as trees shed their leaves, reduced sunlight, and warmth. As you may know, Vata is comprised of the elements ...

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Ayurvedic Body Treatments

Ayurveda, as you might already know, is an ancient Indian medicine famous for its teaching on longevity and wellbeing. Ayurveda teaches us that seven systems in the body (plasma, blood, muscle, fat, bone, bone marrow and nerve tissue, and reproductive tissue) develop in this specific sequence: plasma from food, then blood, then muscle and so forth. ...

Marma Points Therapy
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Ayurvedic Body Treatments

Marma therapy is an ancient Indian practice, which focuses on the manipulation of subtle energy (prana) in the body for the purposes of supporting the healing process. Marma therapy is based on the utilization of 107 main points in the body which are considered to be access points to body, mind, and consciousness. It is said that marma points connect ...

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